Welcome to the... Forum church of Christ 
36529 Spur 23      
Huntsville, Arkansas 72740 
Forum church of Christ

Come Visit A Church That Is A Church

A church is a body of Christians who have been saved by Jesus Christ (Acts 2:47) and who assemble to worship and serve Jehovah through his Son and according to his will (Matt. 7:21). Jesus promised to build his church (Matt. 16:18), which he did (Acts 2:41-47). Unfortunately, not all churches resemble Christ's church. Some clearly are not even Christian. For example, there is a Church of Satan based in California. Over the centuries, numerous individuals, thirsting for power, recognition and wealth, have started organizations they called churches. Calling their group a church brought them respectability and tax exemption. Often the exaltation of Christ and Bible teaching is not the main objective.

A true church of Christ offers a rich, balanced diet of Bible teaching. Are you looking for such a community of believers? I want to invite you to visit a church that is different from most, as it endeavors to pattern itself after the church we read about in the New Testament. It is a church without any of the following: Entertainment programs, fitness training programs, political ambition or agenda, worldly business or commercial interests, secular or social issues to promote, or secular subjects to address.

In this church you will worship God weekly with songs (Eph. 5:19), prayers (I Thess. 5:17), offerings (I Cor. 16:1-2) and communion (Acts 20:7). You will study God's Word in classes and hear it faithfully proclaimed (2 Tim. 4:27). Members share fellowship and mutual encouragement. You will find opportunities to serve the church and others on behalf of the Lord Jesus. This church has a genuine concern for those who are separated from God by their sins, whose lives are troubled and confused thereby (Rom. 10:1; Mark 16:1:5). It is concerned for the poor and the rich, for children and the aged, and for the suffering people of the world (Jas. 1:27). These people wish to be simply Christians just like those of the first century (Acts 11:26). They will welcome you into their midst. Visit the Church of Christ in Forum.

The church of Christ at Forum welcomes visitors and/or private home studies. See the link below for contact information: www.ForumCOC.org