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Forum church of Christ

Knee-jerk Reaction

A knee-jerk reaction is an emotional rather than a logical or reasoned response to something. The term originated from the medical reflex test that causes the knee to jerk forward immediately when bumped right below the knee cap. It is used figuratively to refer to an unthinking reaction.

Thinking through problems before reacting impulsively is the opposite of a knee-jerk reaction. A responsible thinker will examine the situation carefully before taking action (James 1:19). He will seek to come up with a wise response (Colossians 4:6), while a person prone to knee-jerk reactions tends to react emotionally and subjectively to a situation or problem (Proverbs 18:13).

Knee-jerk reactions produce unwise decisions and actions. Some foolish government rules and laws, resulting in much expense and waste, are due to a knee-jerk reaction to something someone has said or done.

When engaging in discussion of a religious topic one may develop the habit of instantly replying to the comment of another--saying the first thought that comes to mind, especially if the topic is controversial or important and the views are contradictory (Proverbs 29:11). Some false doctrines have come about due to men's quick and unstudied reaction to what another has said or written. The worst-case scenario happens when a spiritual warrior engages one who has taken an extreme position, and in the heat of battle winds up believing and teaching the other extreme. Truth is virtually always between the extremes.

Since truth is so important, especially in religion, let us always endeavor to be a responsible thinker--thinking and acting wisely in response to the comments and actions of others (Ephesians 5:15).

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