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Forum church of Christ

"You Cannot Legislate Morality"

Personal and national morality is nothing to be taken lightly. Some have asserted that what they do with their own body does not affect others and therefore the government should not make laws that regulate such matters. This sentiment is often expressed by saying, “You cannot legislate morality.” But is this true?

The prophet Jeremiah wrote, “O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps" (Jer. 10:23). Because of this truth God has already legislated morality. The Ten Commandments mostly deal with moral matters. So the real issue is whether or not people will follow the laws God has given. But the question under consideration is whether governments (ordained of God , Rom. 13:1-6) can “legislate” morality, i.e. write laws dealing with moral issues. Obviously all governments have done it and continue to so do. Slavery has been called a moral evil and legislation was written to ensure that it is no longer practiced. Murder, stealing, child molestation and child pornography, etc., are moral issues that have been "legislated" in virtually all countries. Thus, the statement, “You cannot legislate morality,” is puzzling, making one wonder who first uttered the statement, what he was smoking, and why others saw enough credibility in it to repeat it. Where governments have failed to enact God-given moral laws (that regulate society) the cost for the liberal moral laws, which fill the void when God’s laws are shunned, is staggering and can cripple a nation.

Isn’t it a fact that legislation regarding moral issues has been accomplished and continues to be attempted on numerous issues by liberals and conservatives? Thus, the real question is not whether morality should be legislated, but WHOSE morality should be enacted into law. Since the 1960s modernists have sought to impose their morality. For example, they say it is wrong to legislate regarding abortion—to make it illegal—but insist on laws that forces the government to pay for abortions. Therefore, it is evident that those on both sides of the issue are intent on imposing moral legislation. However, one side is interested in what is right and wrong, based upon God’s moral standard, while the other side is merely interested in what is convenient and popular.

Now, the hearts of people CANNOT be legislated. All a legal system can do is penalize lawbreakers, which serves as a deterrent. Nevertheless, God’s law, the New Testament, is intended to change the hearts of men and women who willingly submit themselves to the laws of God. Those who study evidences for God, and the inspiration of the Bible, build faith in him that enables them to trust him to know what is best for them. This country was founded on Bible principles by Bible believers. The only reason we are steadily weakening is because we are leaving the moral principles, which were our strength. "Blessed is the Nation Whose God is the Lord" (Psalms 33:12).

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